XL260 - Multi Sensors - V.1.2

XL-260 is an IoT device leveraging MQTT and LoRa communication protocols for data monitoring. Powered by the ESP32 microcontroller, this compact device effortlessly handles multiple sensors, ensuring seamless tracking of temperature, electric current, pressure, vibration, and digital inputs. The XL-260’s relay switch port empowers remote control of external devices, offering endless possibilities for automation. With redundant MQTT and LoRa protocols, rest assured that the data transmission remains secure and uninterrupted. 

Features Highlight

  • 12 Temperature Sensors Ports
  • 4 Digital Input Sensors Ports
  • 2 Pressure Sensors Ports
  • 3 Vibration Sensor Ports
  • 4 Relay Switch Ports
  • 12 Current Sensor Ports
  • Buzzer
  • 4 LED Indicators