This case study explores the practical applications of the LT-22222-L sensor, highlighting its ability simplified the I/O monitoring.

Smart Agriculture:

By placing LT-22222-L on several patches to monitor the soil moisture.
        1. Irrigation Monitoring:
          With the help of soil moisture sensor, the LT-22222-L can tell the soil condition and automatically activate the relay to turn the water sprinkler system on.

Utilities Management:

By placing LT-22222-L near the electrical device which consume high power or by placing the device near the water pipe, to monitor the electricity or water usage.
        1. Wireless Metering:
          The LT-22222-L can be used to obtain data regarding water and electricity consumption by connecting it to an electrical current sensor and a water flow sensor.

Smart Cities Infrastructure:

By placing LT-22222-L on various urban infrastructure elements like lighting, waste management, and environmental conditions.
        1. Infrastructure Monitoring:
          User can obtain data of several variables in one place by connecting the LT-22222-L with many sensors with the different functions to monitor the condition of each infrastructure.

Building Automation:

By placing the LT-22222-L on lighting, HVAC systems, and other components.
        1. Energy Efficienct Management:
          Applying LT-22222-L in building automation for efficient control of lighting, HVAC systems, and other components, leading to energy savings.