Add the Device Locations

This feature is used to set a location for your devices. To access it: 1. Click on Device Locations. 2. Click on New Location. 3. Allow IoT Stadium to access your location. 4. Give it a name. 5. The pin on the map will be pinned on your location, and both coordinates will automatically fill.Tips:…

User Access

We set three types of different user: Tenant Owner, Admin, and User. Tenant Owner has the highest hierarchy, while User has the lowest.*Note: User has limited access to the menu, the only access they have is when the Tenant Owner or Admin grants them access. 1. Click on Users dropdown menu. 2. Set the User…


We understand how difficult it is to remember a series of label codes, so we provide you a feature to upload pictures to mark your devices or sensors. In this tab, you will find a list of pictures you already added for your device. To add new picture: 1. Click on Add Device Picture. 2.…


In Graph tab, you are able to monitor and download the data from your telemetries. There are two types of analytics data you could chose: History or Realtime. Note: The default view is set on History mode. History The displayed data based on the sensor reading history–depends on the history limit you set. You can…


A watchdog feature is designed to report your device’s data; you can assign a user (or several users) to receive the report. 1. Slide the Status from Inactive to Active, to activate the notification. 2. Set the Check Periods.Tips: Check Periods is the schedule for sending the report to the recipient. 3. Set the email…


The Alarms tab will be filled with the list of alarms you’ve already set on the Automation menu. This page will be filled with the action and the time the alarm occurred.*Note: the page will be empty when there is no Automation set for the selected device. Seach Bar You can type words or phrases…


This feature can be used if your device has an output and is capable to execute an order. So, you able to control your device remotely.Note: You can add a new controller as long as your device is able to execute an order. 1. Click on New Controller. 2. Give it a Name. 3. Set…

Create the Dashboard Widget

You could create a widget from your telemetry. Your widget then will be displayed on the Dashboard menu.  To make it: 1. Click the box icon next to your telemetry name—multiple telemetries can be chosen for one widget.   2. Click Select Action, then click on Create Dashboard Widget.    3. Give a name and…


This page will be filled with your telemetry, along with its value and timestamp. You can navigate or change the view by clicking on one of the icons on the History List Display. There, you can change the display based on the type of telemetry and how much history will be displayed on one page.…