Add and Edit User

You can create and manage various user roles with distinct access levels and responsibilities in IoT Stadium thanks to its multi-tenancy architecture. Tenants, Admins, and Users are the three primary categories of users. Each type has different levels of access within the platform and distinct authorities. 1. Tenant Owner – Highest authority. – Can change other…

Type of Widgets

There are ten types of widgets in the Widget Type dropdown menu, and the options available, and each type has its own best use, depend on the number and type of data from your telemetry. It is important to ensure that all selected telemetries have the same unit of measurement. All of your selected telemetry…

Add and Set the Dashboard

The Dashboard menu is filled with the list of dashboards rules you already set.  To add new Dashboard, click on New Dashboard on the top right of your screen.  Give a name and description for your new dashboard, then set your Dashboard Access.   The Dashboard Access option allows you to set a restriction for your dashboard. When…

Dashboard Details

The Dashboard landing page will be filled with the list of Dashboard you’ve already created. You can also set the display detail on the Dashboard menu, where there are several columns and icons providing information about your dashboard. Search Bar You can type words or phrases to find specific dashboard. Dashboard List Display. Set the…

Set the Action

After you set your triggers or your schedule, you need to set the action for your newly set automation rule. There is a different configuration between both triggers condition and the schedule condition. Click on Add Action, then choose your Action Type, and click on one of the actions. Each action is having a different option.  …

Set the Schedule

This type is used when you want to schedule on specific controller to do a certain condition on the specific time. When you choose this type, you just need to give a name and the description, then click Next. The following step is to specify the start and end times of your schedule. You can…

Controller Trigger

Assume you have a button that you want to monitor, you can set up an alert or notification to be sent when the button is pressed. Alternatively, you could set up an automation rule to turn off another device when the button is pressed. If one of those examples was your situation, Controller Trigger might be…

Telemetry Trigger

Let’s say you want to set a limit for one of your telemetries, and when that limit is reached, you want something to happen, such as an alarm or the automatic activation of another device to handle the situation. If that is the case, you should use this type of trigger. Telemetry Trigger allows you to…

Map Automation

Map automation is an automation process created from the Dashboard menu. This tab will be filled with the automation that you already created from the Dashboard. View and Edit You can take a look and do a little edit for the selected automation by clicking on View or Edit icon. Click on Add Action to…

Automation Details

The landing page of Automation menu will be filled with the list of automation you’ve already made. You can also set the display detail on the Automation menu, where there are several columns and icons providing information about your automations. Search Bar You can type words or phrases to find specific automation. Automation List Display.…