Privacy Statement

IoT Stadium is committed to protecting your personal information. We do not sell, distribute or give out any of our customer’s information. We understand how valuable your personal information and privacy is. Only limited personnel have access to our customer’s database. This way, you can be rest assured that any personal information that you give us, stays with us.

What kind of information does IoT Stadium collect from customers?

IoT Stadium collects the necessary information such as name, telephone number, mailing address, e-mail address, credit card information, billing information, IP address, and other personal information to ensure secure ordering process. We use this information to identify our customers. We use your e-mail address to notify you of any promotions and important informational updates we might have. We also keep track of the pages that you visit to help us provide a more personalized browsing experience for you.

What do we do with your information?

IoT Stadium use website analysis software to track our website visitors. The information we obtain from the website analysis software is strictly for internal use to aid us in providing better services to our customers.

Does IoT Stadium share your information with other party?

No. Your personal information is never shared with any other parties. IoT Stadium will not share, distribute or sell your information ever. Period.

What is Cookies?

A cookie is a small data text file, which a Web site stores on your computer’s hard drive (if your Web browser permits) that can later be retrieved to identify you. The information we collect is gathered to ensure secure ordering process and to provide better web browsing experiences.

Will I receive any e-mail regarding IoT Stadium product promotions?

You will receive product promotional e-mail ONLY if you want to receive them. We provide a check box in our order form that asks customer if they want to receive such e-mail. If in any case you want to unsubscribe the product promotion e-mail, you can do so by replying to our email with the subject line containing REMOVE.
We highly value your data. We use 128-bit encryption technology and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in all transactions where customers’ information is involved. We keep customer’s information in a separate secure server behind our firewall. This way you never have to worry about your information being compromised. Only a limited number of customer service, sales and accounting and technical personnel have access to your information. To ensure that you have the highest protection available, please download the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator.

Will IoT Stadium ever change how customers' information is going to be used?

If and when IoT Stadium plan to change how customer information is going to be used, we will notify our customer by posting notice of the change in this site.

Is there any age restriction?

In order for you to make transactions through our website, you need to be at least 18 years of age. However, this does not mean that we restrict our services to visitors above 18 years of age. If you are under 18 years of age, you need to contact us either via email or phone in order to place any order. We may need your parental permissions in order to setup our services with you. IoT Stadium will be glad to guide you and get your account set up as quickly as possible.

I still have a lot of question about privacy. What can i do?

Questions regarding this Policy should be directed to You can also contact us directly at the address listed in our contact button located on our website top navigation bar.

Does this policy remain like this forever?

IoT Stadium reserve the right to make changes to our policy at any time without any notification. We will notify our current customers of any privacy policy changes through e-mail or our website news update feature. Changes to policy become immediately effective upon being posted in this site.