Automations Overview
The Automations feature in IoT Stadium allows users to create automation rules for their registered devices. These rules can be triggered by the devices’ telemetry or controllers, or by setting a schedule for when certain actions should occur. Once triggered, the devices can be programmed to carry out specific actions. Users can easily view all of their automation rules on a single page, streamlining the process of managing and monitoring their devices. With this feature, users can automate specific tasks, optimize their operations, and reduce manual workload.
To specify trigger conditions and thresholds for telemetry and controller triggers, a user can set the conditions and link them to an OR or AND gate.
Set a schedule on a specific controller to execute a specific condition at a specific time.
Once the triggers or the schedule have been reached, four actions are available: Set the Alarm, Set the Controller Action, Send the Email, Call REST API.
Automation: Quick Guide
Choose, set the automations, and set the actions for the automation rules for a single or multiple connected devices with IoT Stadium
Choose Automation Types
Set the Status
Activate or deactivate rules by setting their status.
Set the Triggers or Schedule
Set the Actions
In order for the rules to work, choose on which action to take: Set Alarm, Set Controller, Send Email, or Call REST API. It is possible to select multiple actions for a single rule.
Automation Details
View all the information about the rules: rule names, selected automation type, automation status, and selected actions.
Telemetry Trigger
Specify threshold limits for selected telemetries. Multiple limits can be set using the same or different telemetry from various devices. For thresholds from different devices, create a relation first.
Controller Trigger
Specify the trigger condition for a device's controller to send a specific signal.
Set a specific time for a controller to execute a particular condition. The time frequency and repeating interval can also be set with this feature.
Action Setting
When triggers or schedule are met, choose from four actions: Set Alarm, Set Controller Action, Send Email, or Call REST API. Schedule automation only allows Set Controller Action. Telemetry and Controller Triggers allow all actions.