Microcontroller for IoT

There are a lot of microcontrollers for IoT you could use in making your own project. Imagine the microcontroller as a busy metropolis with a wide variety of architectural marvels. There are specialized buildings in this thriving metropolis, and each one is home to a multitude of distinct residents. Microcontrollers are similar to these marvels…

Multi Tenancy in IoT Platform

Multi-tenancy is like living in an apartment building where multiple tenants or residents share the same building, but each has their own separate space, like their own unit. In the context of software or technology, multi-tenancy means that a single system or platform can be used by multiple users or groups, and each user or…

Exploring LoRa and LoRaWAN in IoT

LoRa and LoRaWAN are two closely intertwined terms that play pivotal roles in shaping the landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT). LoRa and LoRaWAN often appear together, contributing collectively to the evolution of IoT technology. While they are frequently discussed together, it’s important to recognize that LoRa and LoRaWAN hold separate and specific meanings.…

What is MQTT and How It Works

Before diving deeper into understanding what the usage MQTT in IoT is, let’s look at the history of MQTT itself. In 1999, Andy Stanford-Clark of IBM, and Arlen Nipper (then of Arcom Systems, later CTO of Eurotech), created MQTT. In its initial version, MQTT helped oil pipeline sensors communicate with satellites. In 2014 OASIS accepted…

Encryption in IoT

Encryption in IoT is a preventive measure to battle one of the vulnerabilities faced by IoT infrastructure. Encryption in IoT is a must, so that the data sent and received is safe from irresponsible parties. As mentioned in the previous blog post, the rise of the IoT itself also sets up a new set of…

Stages of IoT Architecture

Have you ever considered how an automated fire alarm switch differs from an IoT-connected device that does the same job? Well, it’s all about data. The IoT device can collect and share data about how it is used, allowing it to work smarter and do more than just turn on and off automatically. Both devices…

Common Security Problems in IoT

Two decades have passed, and the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has reached a significant step. Some businesses are beginning to remotely monitor, analyze, and control their business instruments with the help of IoT devices. This also increases the use cases for IoT, and according to IoT Analytics, there will be 14,4 billion…